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Riskettan – Understanding the risks in traffic

Riskettan is a mandatory risk training for those who are going to take a B driving license. Find out what the training includes and how to book it.

Riskettan – Risk training part 1 for B driving license

Riskettan is a mandatory training for those who are going to take a B driving license. It is about the risks in traffic and focuses on behaviors, attitudes and how different factors affect your driving. Here we go through what the training includes, why it is important and how to book it.

What is Riskettan?

Riskettan, or Risk training part 1, is a theoretical training that is a requirement for obtaining a driving license for a passenger car (B). The training aims to increase your understanding of how risk behaviors, alcohol, drugs, fatigue and other factors affect your driving ability.

After completing the training, your participation is reported to the Swedish Transport Agency, which is a prerequisite for taking the knowledge test and driving test at the Trafikverket.

What does Riskettan contain?

Riskettan is a theoretical training of at least 3 hours, where you, together with an instructor and other participants, discuss various risk factors in traffic. The training is interactive and encourages reflection and discussion.

It covers the following areas:

  • Alcohol and drugs – How alcohol and drugs affect your driving ability and what consequences this can have.
  • Fatigue and distraction – The effects of fatigue, mobile phone use and other distractions in traffic.
  • Risk behaviors and attitudes – How different behaviors and attitudes can increase the risk of accidents.
  • Accident statistics and consequences – Facts about traffic accidents and what you can do to avoid ending up in dangerous situations.

The training ends without a test – the most important thing is that you actively participate and absorb the information.

When should I take the Riskettan?

It is an advantage to take the Riskettan early in your driver's license training. By understanding the risks in traffic from the beginning, you can apply that knowledge when you practice driving.

The Riskettan is valid for five years, so make sure you have enough time left to complete the theory test and the driving test before it expires.

What is the difference between the Riskettan and the Halkbanan?

To get a B driving license, you must complete both risk training courses:

  • Risk training part 1 (Riskettan) is a theoretical training course about risks in traffic.
  • Risk training part 2 (Slippery track) is a practical training course where you get to experience how slippery road conditions affect the vehicle and how you can handle different driving situations.

Both courses must be approved before you can take your theory test and driving test at the Swedish Transport Administration.

Booking a Riskettan

If you are registered with a traffic instructor who uses Teoricentralen, you can easily book your Riskettan via your driving school. Our affiliated instructors will help you find a time that suits you, and after completing the training, your participation is automatically reported to the Swedish Transport Agency.

If you are not yet registered with a trainer, you can find an approved trainer via Teoricentralen and book your place directly.

Find a trainer near you

Teoricentralen collaborates with hundreds of traffic trainers throughout Sweden who offer Riskettan. By choosing a trainer affiliated with us, you get access to the market's best training material and a modern learning platform that makes your driver's license training both smooth and effective.

Book your Riskettan today and take a step closer to your driver's license!