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I have switched from Elevcentralen to Teoricentralen, what do I do?

Discover how to switch from Elevcentralen to Teoricentralen. Get started quickly and easily with our modern platform.

If you previously used Elevcentralen but now want to switch to Teoricentralen, it’s easy to get started. You’ll gain access to all our advantages, such as digital theory, AI features, and a clear study plan. Follow these steps:


Contact your driving school

Make sure your driving school is connected to Teoricentralen. If they are not yet connected, you can ask them to contact us to gain access to our platform.


Create an account

Once your driving school is connected, you will receive an invitation or instructions to create your personal account. Simply follow the steps to register and then log in.


Explore your new features

  • Digital books and questions: All materials are available digitally, ready to use.
  • AI-based help: The system analyzes your strengths and weaknesses and provides personalized recommendations.
  • Multilingual support: Choose the language you prefer to study in.
  • Game feature: Make theory more fun by challenging your friends or other students.
  • Seamless booking: View and book driving lessons and courses directly in the system.
  • Study overview: Track your progress and see clearly which parts you still need to complete.


Ask questions if you get stuck

If you have any questions, whether it’s about the technology or the theory itself, you can contact us or your driving school. We’re here to help you reach your goal—getting your driver’s license—quickly and smoothly!

At Teoricentralen, you receive a modern and complete solution for your driver’s education.
Learn more about our student portal and experience for yourself how much easier and more enjoyable studying with us can be!

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