Traffic signals are there to inform you whether you should stop or go at a junction or in another traffic situation.
Stop. A vehicle may not pass the stop line or, in the absence of such, the signal. A signal with an arrow outline only applies to the direction or directions indicated by the arrow.
The change to a green signal is imminent. Otherwise, the signal has the same meaning as red.
Vehicles may continue on straight. A green arrow indicates that the signal applies to the direction in which the arrow points. Vehicles may be driven in the arrow’s direction even if another signal is showing at the same time.
Stop. A vehicle may not pass the stop line or, if there is no such line, the signal unless it has come so far when the signal changes from green to amber that it cannot stop without risk.
Special caution must be observed when passing.
It is forbidden to enter a carriageway, cycle path or railway or tram crossing. Pedestrians who are on the carriageway or cycle path when the signal changes to a red signal image must continue to the other side. If there is a refuge or similar device, the pedestrian must, however, stay there.
Roadway, cycle path or railway or tram crossing may be walked on.
Stop. Vehicles and trams must not cross the stop line, or if they are missing, the signal.
Switching to a vertical line is imminent. Otherwise, the signal image has the same meaning as S.
Vehicles and trams may continue forward. Arrow means that the signal applies to the direction of travel indicated by the arrow.
Stay. Vehicles and trams must not cross the stop line, or if such is missing, the signal otherwise than when it has reached such a point when the signal changes from vertical to horizontal line that it cannot be stopped without danger.
The lane and, where applicable, the roadside adjacent to the lane may not be used for traffic.
The driver must change lanes in the direction indicated by the arrow or arrows.
The lane may be used for traffic. Instead of a green arrow, a road sign may appear.
Stop. A vehicle may not pass the stop line or, in the absence of such, the signal
The signal indicates that a road is completely closed.
The signal is used where a road is partially closed or to make it easier to detect a road sign or other device. The number of light apertures and their location are adapted to the device at which the signal is located. The signal can be used independently or together with a device that emits sound to give instructions for pedestrians crossing trams or buses.