
Do you have to bring a license to the theory test?

Yes, usually you have to bring identification to the theory test, so there can sometimes be situations where you do not have any valid identification available. In these situations, you can apply for an exemption to identify yourself at the Swedish Transport Administration.

In the case where you are granted an exemption, you need to have someone else certify your identity. You will then also need to bring the person who certifies your identity to the actual test.

At the Swedish Transport Administration, you can identify yourself using the following methods:

  • SIS-marked company card, service card or ID card
  • Swedish national ID card
  • National ID card issued by another EU country on 2 August 2021 or later
  • ID card issued by the Swedish Tax Agency
  • Swedish driving licence
  • Swedish EU passport
  • other EU passports
  • Passport issued by the Faroe Islands, the United Kingdom (Great Britain and Northern Ireland), Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland.

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