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How do I log in to Elevcentralen?

Learn how to log in to Elevcentralen and what options are available with us at Teoricentralen!

Elevcentralen is an older system that some driving schools still use to provide an overview of driving lessons and track your progress. To log in to Elevcentralen, visit their website and enter your login credentials, which you receive from your driving school.

However, if you're looking for more and want a modern experience, try Teoricentralen instead. We have everything gathered in one place, so you can fully focus on your journey toward getting your driver's license. With us, you'll find:

  • Digital books and questions – Get instant access to all the materials you need, completely digital.
  • In-depth explanations – Every question comes with a clear and educational explanation, helping you understand why an answer is right or wrong.
  • AI-powered features – Our system analyzes your strengths and weaknesses in theory and automatically suggests what you need to practice more.
  • Multiple languages – Perfect for those who prefer to study in a language other than Swedish.
  • Driving lesson bookings – Not only can you view your upcoming driving lessons, but you can also book new lessons and courses directly in the system.
  • Personal study overview – Track your progress, see how far you've come, and check which topics you still need to cover.
  • Gamification – Make learning fun by challenging friends and other students in knowledge duels.

This way, your studies become both effective and engaging. Feel free to check out our student hub to experience all the features for yourself.

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