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What does towing mean? We explain the word towing and go through the rules that apply to both the car that is being towed and the car that is being towed.

Towing is to drag something behind you. Usually, you use a car or tractor to pull a car or other vehicle. When towing on land, a so-called tow line or, when towing larger vehicles, a tow barWhen towing another car, you must not drive faster than 30 km/h. However, a tow truck may be driven at 80 km/h if one of the towed vehicle's wheelsets is raised through a fixed suspension device. Towing with a vehicle other than a tow truck must take place on the hard shoulder where available.When towing in the dark, it is important to remember to mark the tow line and that the towed car's steel thrower is on. If the headlights for some reason do not work, the towed car needs to be marked in another way in the dark or limited visibility, with the help of reflectors or the like.

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