The instructions inform the road user of the rules on a given road. Normally, the signs apply up to the point where an end sign has been erected.
If the sign is used as preparatory information indicating that a motorway is starting, the distance is given on an additional panel. The sign may also be included in a location sign.
If the sign is used as preparatory information indicating that a motorway is ending, the distance is given on an additional panel. The sign is not used when a motorway turns into a clearway.
If the sign is used as preparatory information indicating that a clearway is starting, the distance is given on an additional panel. The sign may also be included in a location sign.
If the sign is used as preparatory information indicating that a clearway is ending, the distance is given on an additional panel. The sign is not used when a clearway turns into a motorway.
The place name may be included in the sign.
The place name can be inserted in the sign.
The sign indicates that the provisions of Chapter 8, Section 1 of the Road Traffic Ordinance (1998:1276) apply. Any prohibition on driving vehicles that are permitted on a pedestrian street according to Chapter 8, Section 1, second paragraph of the Road Traffic Ordinance is indicated using an additional panel.
The sign does not need to be posted if it is otherwise clear that the pedestrian street comes to an end.
The sign indicates that the provisions in ch. Section 1, first paragraph, of the Traffic Ordinance are applicable.
The sign does not have to be erected if it is nevertheless clear that the pedestrian area ceases.
The sign indicates a stretch of road or an area where specific measures have been taken or where conditions are such that it is advisable to drive at a lower speed than the maximum permitted speed. The recommended lower speed is indicated on the sign.
The sign does not need to be posted if it is otherwise clear that the stretch comes to an end.
The sign is only used as an adjustable road sign and indicates that the conditions are such that, for a limited period, it is not advisable to travel at a higher speed than the one indicated on the sign. The indicated speed is therefore lower than the maximum permitted speed.
The sign does not need to be posted if it is otherwise clear that the temporary circumstance comes to an end.
The sign indicates that two lanes or carriageways are merging to form one and that the drivers are to adapt to the new conditions at the location, according to the provisions of Chapter 3, Section 44 of the Road Traffic Ordinance.
The sign indicates that vehicle traffic on the road is one-way in the direction of the arrow. An arrow pointing up indicates that the traffic is one-way in a forward direction.
The sign indicates that transit is not possible. The symbol is adapted to the conditions on site and can be inserted in a location sign. If transit by bicycle and moped class II is possible, this is indicated by the symbol S8, bicycle and moped class II, being inserted in the sign.
The sign indicates a wider section of a narrow road that is suitable for two vehicles to meet.
The sign indicates that parking is permitted in a parking lot or on a stretch on the side of the road where the road sign is posted.
The sign is erected at the entrances to the area and applies up to the point where the sign E21, end of zone, is erected or it is otherwise clearly indicated that the instructions on the sign no longer apply. Within the area, there may be deviations from the instructions on the sign. These deviations are indicated through other road signs and additional panels. The instructions on the sign also apply after such deviation without the sign being repeated.
The sign indicates that an area with prohibitions or permits indicated with a sign E20, area mark, ceases. The appearance is adapted to the sign inserted in mark E20, area mark.
The sign indicates a stop for vehicles in regular traffic and school transport unless the stop is clearly stated in another way. Despite the provisions in ch. Section 5, information on bus lines, bus companies and the like may appear on or near the sign. Time can be indicated on the sign.
The sign indicates, in the direction of travel, the far limit of a special parking space for vehicles used in taxi traffic.
The sign indicates that automatic surveillance with a camera or equivalent can take place at a location or stretch of road for surveillance of traffic rules, taxation or toll collection. The sign further states that personal data can be registered in accordance with the Personal Data Act (1998: 204], the Road Traffic Register Act (2001: 558] or any other register law.
The sign states that a fee or special tax must be paid when traveling on a certain road or within a certain area.
The sign indicates a tunnel. The tunnel’s length is indicated and the tunnel’s name may be given on the sign. The sign repeats after every kilometre and the remaining length of tunnel is stated on the sign.
The sign indicates a place for parking vehicles in the event of a breakdown, engine stop or the like. Symbol for helpline or fire extinguisher may be inserted in the sign. The sign is designed according to the conditions on site. If the sign is used as preparatory information about the emergency parking space, the distance is indicated on an additional board.
The sign indicates an emergency exit for pedestrians.
The sign indicates the direction and distance to the emergency exit or equivalent for pedestrians. The sign is erected at intervals of no more than 25 meters.
The panel indicates a deviation from the sign under which it is placed or from Chapter 3, Section 53, point 10 or Section 54 of the Road Traffic Ordinance (1998:1276). It is used beneath one of the following signs; C35, Vehicle parking is prohibited, C36, Vehicle parking is prohibited on odd-numbered dates, C37, Vehicle parking is prohibited on even-numbered dates, C38, Date parking, C39, No stopping or parking, C40, Purposeful location, C42, Turning area, D10, Reserved lane or carriageway for vehicles operating a regular service etc., E19, Parking, E20, No parking zone, or E22, Bus stop. One of these signs is depicted in miniature on the panel. For the times, the more detailed provisions relating to panel T6, Time indication, apply. The background colour on the panel is the same as the background colour on the sign depicted on the panel according to what is stated in Section 29.
The sign indicates that the provisions in ch. Sections 22-24 a of the Traffic Ordinance (1998: 1276] are applicable. If the sign is used as preparatory information that an environmental zone begins, the distance is indicated on an additional board. The mark may also be inserted in a location mark. The sign is erected at the entrances to the environmental zone and applies to the place where a mark E6, densely populated area ceases, mark E32, end of environmental zone or another environmental zone mark is erected.
The sign indicates that an environmental zone ends.
The sign indicates that the provisions in ch. Section 1 a of the Traffic Ordinance (1998: 1276) are applicable.
The sign indicates that a cycle path ends.