Crash violence is the force that arises in a collision and the kinetic energy is converted. The force of a frontal collision, for example, can be compared to falling from a high height.
In a collision, when the road user is in a protected vehicle, the body continues in the direction of the vehicle's movement until it hits the interior, is caught by a belt or airbag, or is thrown out and hits objects outside the car. In addition, the internal organs of the body move at the same speed until they hit the skeletal parts of the body, and in this internal collision very serious injuries can occur.
The energy that the body has during travel is called kinetic energy. Crash violence, i.e. the force that arises when the kinetic energy is converted, develops during sudden stops and during the sudden accelerations that a smaller passenger car can be exposed to in a collision with a larger vehicle.
Crash violence is increasing at the same time as speed is increasing. For example, a person driving at 80 km/h is twice as likely to die as a person driving at 70 km/h, if they both collide head-on at their respective speeds. When you weigh this against the amount of time saved, it hardly seems worth it.