The driving licence permit is valid for five years from the day you were issued it. This means that you have five years to complete all the requirements necessary to obtain your driver's license, including the completion of mandatory theoretical and practical tests. During this time, you should also gather experience driving in various conditions to ensure that you are a safe and careful driver.
If you do not receive your driver's license within five years, your driver's license permit will not remain valid and you will have to go through the application process again. The most common reason why this happens is that the person fails the compulsory exams in the first five years.
It's important to plan your schedule to ensure you have enough time to complete all the requirements. The theory lessons, driving lessons and tests all take different amounts of time to complete. It is therefore advisable that you start your learning process early enough to give yourself the best possible chance of succeeding in the time frame.
The conclusion is that a driver's license permit is valid for five years, and it is up to you as an applicant to ensure that you complete all the necessary requirements within this time frame. Therefore, make sure to begin your process well in advance and plan carefully to ensure that you pass all exams and requirements within the given time frame.