What do I need to know to pass the driving test?
When driving up, you need to be able to demonstrate that you are a safe and confident driver, and that you know all the laws and regulations that apply on the roads.
This means, among other things, the following points.
- Vehicle Awareness - You should be able to control the car's various functions such as wipers and lighting. As well as being aware of the potential risks that can arise if the car does not work properly.
- Eco driving - also called eco driving, it is important that you can show that you can plan your driving and manoeuvre the car in an environmentally friendly and fuel-efficient way.
- Operating the car - You need to demonstrate that you can accelerate and brake in a smooth and natural way, and that you can, for example, turn and park in a correct and safe way.
- Road safety - You need to show that you can adapt your driving to the environment and road conditions, and that you show that you are aware of any risks.
- Traffic rules - Finally, you need to show that you know what laws and regulations apply in traffic. This means, among other things, that you can follow signs and understand concepts such as the obligation to give way and one-way roads.