

A vehicle inspection is when a vehicle is checked to see that the vehicle has no technical faults or emits too much exhaust gas. You must inspect your car at an approved inspection company, such as Bilprovningen.

Sometimes you can get mailings from inspection companies when it's time for an inspection, but you shouldn't rely on getting a mailing. It is you as the owner who is responsible for ensuring that your car is inspected within the adjustment period. If you have a new car, it must be inspected for the first time when it is 3 years old and the second time 2 years after the first inspection. After that, you must inspect your car every year. If the inspection company finds defects on your car, you are obliged to correct the defects pointed out as soon as possible. If it is something serious, they may require you to do a re-inspection in order not to get a driving ban. Good to know:

  • If a police officer or car inspector suspects that your car is not safe enough in traffic or if they suspect a crime, they have the right to perform a so-called *flying inspection*.
  • If you make major changes to your car, you must have it inspected within a month. Major changes include, for example, engine replacement, repainting to a different color and changing the gearbox.

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