
Stopping distance

The stopping distance is the total distance from the time you react and act to a situation to the vehicle coming to a stop. Then you add the reaction distance with the braking distance and then you get the result, which is the total stopping distance. Formula: reaction distance + braking distance = stopping distanceCalculation example 27m reaction distance + 14.4m braking distance = 41.4m stopping distanceWhen you see the results that it t.ex. tar 41.4m for you to stop the car if you have a reaction time of 1.5 seconds and maintain a speed of 60 km/h, it may sound unreal. In fact, many accidents are affected by underestimation of these figures. Take the opportunity to see the risks on the slippery track and try it yourself so you get to experience stopping a vehicle in a high or slightly slippery surface.

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