A prohibitory sign informs the road user that something is prohibited. The prohibition normally applies up until the next junction unless otherwise stated in connection with the sign.
The sign indicates a ban on entry by vehicle.
The sign refers to traffic with vehicles in both directions.
If the prohibition also applies to class II mopeds, this is indicated on an additional panel.
The sign indicates a ban on all traffic with all types of motor vehicles with more than two wheels.
The sign indicates a ban on all traffic with motorcycle and moped class I.
The sign indicates a prohibition against motor vehicles with a connected trailer of a type other than semi-trailer or centre axle trailer. If the prohibition also applies to motor vehicles with a connected semi-trailer or centre axle trailer, this will be indicated on an additional panel. If the prohibition only refers to vehicle combinations with a trailer whose total weight exceeds a certain tonnage, this will be indicated on additional panel T5, total weight.
If the prohibition also applies to light trucks, this is indicated on an additional panel.
If the ban also applies to traffic with motor vehicles class I, it is stated on an additional board.
The sign indicates a prohibition against traffic with vehicles carrying loads that are subject to the labelling requirement of an orange sign according to provisions stipulated pursuant to Act on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (2006:263).
If the prohibition also applies to class I mopeds, this is indicated on an additional panel.
If the prohibition also applies to class I mopeds, this is indicated on a supplementary plate.
The sign indicates a ban on traffic with vehicles pre-tensioned with draft animals.
If the ban does not apply to off-road vehicles, this is stated on an additional board.
If the ban also applies to leading riding animals, this is stated on an additional board.
The sign indicates a ban on pedestrian traffic.
The sign indicates that traffic with vehicles over a certain width is prohibited. The greatest permitted width is indicated on the sign.
The sign indicates that traffic with vehicles over a certain height is prohibited if the free height is lower than 4.5 metres. The greatest permitted vehicle height is indicated on the sign.
The sign indicates that traffic with vehicles or a vehicle/trailer combination over a certain length is prohibited. The greatest permitted length is indicated on the sign.
The sign indicates a prohibition against keeping shorter distances in front of motor vehicles in the same direction of travel than those indicated on the sign. The minimum allowable distance is indicated on the sign.
Maximum permitted gross weight is indicated on the sign.
Maximum permitted gross weight is indicated on the sign.
The bearing capacity class of the road is indicated on the sign.
Maximum permitted weight on an axle is indicated on the sign.
Maximum permitted weight on a tandem axle is indicated on the sign.
This prohibition applies to the junction or similar location before or in which the sign is erected. The sign may relate to several junctions. In that case the distance is indicated on an additional panel. The symbol is specific to the conditions at the location.
This prohibition applies to the junction or similar location before or in which the sign is erected. The sign may relate to several junctions. In that case the distance is indicated on an additional panel. The symbol is specific to the conditions at the location.
The sign indicates a prohibition on overtaking motor vehicles other than two-wheeled mopeds and two-wheeled motorcycles without a sidecar. The prohibition applies on the road where the sign is erected and up to the place where sign C28, End of overtaking restriction, is erected.
The sign indicates that the ban on overtaking ends.
The sign indicates a prohibition on heavy trucks overtaking motor vehicles other than two-wheeled mopeds and two-wheeled motorcycles without a sidecar. The prohibition applies on the road where the sign is erected and up to the place where sign C30, End of overtaking restriction for heavy trucks, is erected.
The sign states that the ban on overtaking with a heavy truck ends.
The sign indicates that it is prohibited to drive a vehicle faster than the speed indicated on the sign. The sign prohibits the driving of vehicles at a higher speed than that indicated on the mark. The indication applies to the place where another speed limit is indicated by the mark, or where mark C32, temporary speed limit ceases, E7, pedestrian street, or E9, pedestrian area, has been set up. The sign does not have to be repeated after a crossing if the same maximum permitted speed applies on the crossing.
The sign indicates that a temporary speed marked with mark C31, speed limit, ceases.
The sign indicates the obligation to stop for customs clearance. The vehicle must be stopped at a stop line or, if missing, at the sign. The text below the horizontal bar is indicated in the appropriate language.
This sign indicates the obligation to stop for the reason provided underneath the horizontal line. If the sign has been placed before a traffic light, it indicates that a vehicle passing the sign shall stop for a red light. The vehicle shall stop at the stop line or, in the absence of such a line, by the sign.
The sign prohibits the parking of vehicles. The indication applies on the side of the road where the mark is erected. The indication begins to apply where the mark has been erected and applies as stated on an additional board, to the place where another provision on stopping or parking is marked, to the next intersection with a road other than that referred to in ch. § 21 second paragraph of the Traffic Ordinance (1998: 1276] or to the place before that where a corresponding mark with additional sign T11, extent, with downward arrow, has been set up. The statement also applies again without the sign being re-erected in the event that a parking space has been arranged next to the carriageway. or listed on an additional board.
The more detailed provisions relating to sign C35, Vehicle parking is prohibited, also apply to this sign.
The more detailed provisions relating to sign C35, Vehicle parking is prohibited, also apply to this sign.
The sign indicates that it is prohibited to park vehicles on days with even-numbered dates on the side of the road that has even-numbered addresses and on days with odd-numbered dates on the side of the road that has odd-numbered addresses.
The sign indicates it is prohibited to stop or park a vehicle. The more detailed provisions relating to sign C35, Vehicle parking is prohibited, paragraphs two to four, also apply to this sign.
If the purpose has been specified with the loading place, the purpose is loading or unloading of heavy or bulky goods. The Swedish Transport Agency may issue regulations on what other purposes may be stated and how they are stated.
The sign does not have to be erected if it is nevertheless clear that the place of purpose ceases. The brand is adapted to brand C40, purpose location.
The sign indicates an area intended for turning a vehicle and that parking is prohibited here. If, instead, mark C39, a ban on stopping and parking vehicles, is inserted in the mark, it indicates that it is forbidden to stop or park vehicles.
The sign does not have to be erected if it is still clear that the turning point ceases. The sign is adapted to mark C42, turning point.
If the ban also applies to mopeds class II, it is stated on an additional board.
The sign indicates the prohibition indicated by the inserted sign. The sign may also indicate a deviation from the regulation indicated by the sign under which it is affixed. Other prohibitions can be indicated by the sign. The Swedish Transport Agency may issue regulations on which other prohibition signs may be inserted. The sign is posted under one of the signs C35, prohibition on parking vehicles, C36, prohibition on parking vehicles on day with odd dates, C37, prohibition on parking vehicles on day with even date, C38, date parking, C39, prohibition on stop and park vehicles, C40, purpose location, C42, turning area, D10, mandatory lane or lane for vehicles in scheduled traffic, etc., E19, parking or E20, area mark. Sign E20, area mark, may be inserted. If the sign is inserted, the more detailed regulations for sign E20, area mark, apply. For time, the more detailed regulations for additional board T6, time indication apply. Other restrictions can only be indicated on the sign.
Maximum permissible triple shaft pressure is indicated on the sign.