These warning signs have been set up to warn of a hazard. The sign indicates what the type of hazard is. You should take extra care when you see a warning sign and possibly decrease your speed as well.
The sign indicates a dangerous curve and its direction.
The sign indicates dangerous curves ahead and gives the direction of the first one.
The sign indicates a steep hill downwards. The numbers indicate the gradient in per cent and is specific to the conditions of the location.
The sign indicates a steep incline. The numbers indicate the gradient in per cent and is specific to the conditions of the location.
The sign indicates that the road or carriageway narrows. The symbol is specific to the conditions at the location.
The sign indicates an openable bridge.
The sign indicates a place where the road ends towards water.
The sign indicates bumps or damage to the road which make it appropriate to travel at a lower speed than what would otherwise be the case.
The signs indicate a raised hump or gutter installed as a speed-reducing measure.
The sign indicates that the road may be slippery. The sign is only used if there are specific reasons to warn of a slippery surface due to snow or ice.
The sign indicates a risk of loose chippings. The sign is not used on gravel roads or similar roads where loose chippings are common.
The sign indicates a risk of falling rocks and that there may be fallen rocks on the road. The symbol is adapted to the conditions of the location.
The sign indicates that there is a pedestrian crossing a little further along the road.
The sign indicates a stretch of road where pedestrians often cross or stay on or by the road.
This sign indicates a stretch of road where children often cross or where there are often children on or near the road.
The sign indicates a stretch of road where cyclists or moped drivers often cross or drive onto the road.
The sign indicates a place where skiers often cross or stay on the road.
The sign indicates a stretch of road where riders often cross or stay on the road.
The sign indicates a place or stretch of road where there is a special risk to animals on or by the road. Other symbols may appear on the mark. The Swedish Transport Agency may issue regulations on which other symbols may appear.
This sign indicates the end of a road section where roadworks or similar works are underway.
The sign indicates the end of a road section with roadworks that has been marked with an A20 roadworks sign. The sign is not erected if it is otherwise clear where the section ends.
The sign indicates a place where traffic is regulated with a multicolor signal with three light openings. In densely populated areas, the mark is erected only if there are special reasons for it.
The sign indicates an area where low-flying aircraft are common.
The sign indicates a section of road where there is often a strong crosswind. The symbol is specific to the conditions at the location.
This sign indicates that a one-way road is turning into a road with traffic in both directions.
The sign indicates that the road will soon pass through a tunnel.
The sign indicates a stretch of road with a weak road edge or a high road edge.
The sign indicates a junction where the provisions of Chapter 3, Section 18 of the Road Traffic Ordinance (1998:1276) apply.
The sign indicates a junction where drivers of vehicles on connecting roads are obliged to give way or stop. The symbol is adapted to the conditions of the location.
The sign indicates that the road will soon turn into a roundabout.
The sign indicates a place where slow-moving vehicles often cross or enter the road.
The sign indicates a stretch of road where vehicles preloaded with draft animals often cross or stay on the road. Other symbols may appear on the mark. The Swedish Transport Agency may issue regulations on which other symbols may appear.
The sign indicates a place where off-road scooters often cross or drive into the road.
The sign indicates a stretch of road where there is a risk of queuing.
The sign indicates a junction with a railway or tramway line with gates.
The sign indicates an intersection with a railway where there are no barriers.
The sign indicates an intersection with a tramway where there are no barriers.
The signs indicate the distance to a level crossing in a three-bar system. The sign with the three bars is, except for in densely populated areas, erected under one of the following signs; A35, Level crossing with gates, A36, Level crossing without gates, or A37, Junction with tramway line. The sign with two bars indicates that it is two-thirds the distance to the level crossing and the sign with one bar indicates the last third of the distance.
The sign indicates a crossing railway or tramway with one or more tracks. The sign is posted immediately prior to a level crossing. It does not have to be posted on a private road with limited traffic where it can be omitted without threatening traffic safety. The sign can also be posted at unlevel railway or tramway crossings.
The sign indicates dangers other than such that can be indicated with some other warning sign. The nature of the danger is specified on an additional panel.
The sign warns of accidents.